Corporate Information Philosophy


Firm Technology

Nihon Kohnetsu Industrial Co., Ltd. (Nihon Kohnetsu) finds out significance of existence for our "Firm Technology".
"Firm Technology" engenders the trust of customers. Nihon Kohnetsu can contribute customers' prosperity and development of society.

Safety First

"Safety First" is the source of business activity.
All employees recognize deeply for importance of safety. Nihon kohnetsu keeps principle and responsibility for "Safety First".

Community Spirit

Corporation and employee have "Community Spirit".
Corporate development can make happiness, prosperity and good life for employees. Conscience of both corporation and employee decides management direction and accomplishes the goal.


Environment Policy

Certificate of resistration for ISO14001 is received.

Nihon Kohnetsu Industrial
5-19-16 Biwajima, Nishi-ku,
Nagoya 451-0053 JAPAN
TEL +81-52-521-5411
FAX +81-52-521-5415


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